Our team were exhibiting our Water Source Heat Pump services at the UKDEA Annual Conference and Exhibition at Alexandra Palace on Tuesday.
About water source heat pumps
Water source heat pumps (WSHPs) work by extracting heat from a body of water and converting it into useful energy.
Nicholls have experience in single house solutions to large commercial projects
- Desktop Review
- Overview of the general area by map and satellite image
- Site Visit
- Initial view to see if there is potential for the scheme setup & gain an understanding of the physical environment
- Initial Site Survey
- Physical investigation into potential locations for abstraction point, discharge point, heat exchangers and plant room
- Rapid Feasibility
- Review of the data for the source in terms of potential sizing capability (Kw/Mw), source temperatures, source flows, source depth, source volume (m3), habitats, potential abstraction & discharge rates, diagrammatic layout of scheme, map illustration of scheme
- Environment Agency Design
- Environment Agency & Marine Pre-Applications
Call us to find out how we can help you on 01403 820750